Tree Fern Garden
One thing this project is endeavouring to do is to demonstrate cycling of nutrients in the soil as well as recycling of resources and repurposing many unwanted items.
The south east end of the house has many tree ferns growing there and is a nice cool place to be. I plan in the future to attempt growing mushrooms among these tree ferns as it is also well shaded. Within the garden is access to underneath the house. I want to retro fit this under house area in the future as a cool room/cellar. It has a good all year climate. With numerous Tiger Snakes in the area I have always been wary to walk in this areas as it was unmaintained.
I had collected resources in the way of cardboard, cement pavers,fence frames,house bricks and cement bricks over the past 3 years and with several very energetic volunteers visiting via HelpX I saw the opportunity to use the resources and recycle the collected cardboard back to the soil. The cardboard will help keep weeds at bay and eventually rot down feeding the soil.Once the cardboard was laid down,a thicl layer of mulch was put over the area.The cement bricks were put down along the path as a planter pot for plants in the future.
I purchased some sand and crusher dust to form the foundation under the cement pavers and used some recycled house bricks to level the path up. The following photo log was taken during the tidy up of the area.
Finally,I set up two sprinklers that spray water from the Biolytic overflow system.
The south east end of the house has many tree ferns growing there and is a nice cool place to be. I plan in the future to attempt growing mushrooms among these tree ferns as it is also well shaded. Within the garden is access to underneath the house. I want to retro fit this under house area in the future as a cool room/cellar. It has a good all year climate. With numerous Tiger Snakes in the area I have always been wary to walk in this areas as it was unmaintained.
I had collected resources in the way of cardboard, cement pavers,fence frames,house bricks and cement bricks over the past 3 years and with several very energetic volunteers visiting via HelpX I saw the opportunity to use the resources and recycle the collected cardboard back to the soil. The cardboard will help keep weeds at bay and eventually rot down feeding the soil.Once the cardboard was laid down,a thicl layer of mulch was put over the area.The cement bricks were put down along the path as a planter pot for plants in the future.
I purchased some sand and crusher dust to form the foundation under the cement pavers and used some recycled house bricks to level the path up. The following photo log was taken during the tidy up of the area.
Finally,I set up two sprinklers that spray water from the Biolytic overflow system.