Wanting to get involved in anyway I could and funding myself to do so I had found very little support or long term opportunities that could sustain my thirst for knowledge or engage in my skills so I have saved hard and have now purchased my own farm. I have been fortunate to be in a position to fast track my dream and purchase a property here in Tasmania to start an educational community project based on Permaculture and sustainable agriculture. My main field of experience and interest is earthworks and I have purposely sought a dryish property to demonstrate water harvest and storage in the landscape. Tiger Hill Permaculture is a 70 acre farm set amongst crown land and mixed forestry 10km from Buckland village, 45min north east of Hobart airport, 20km west of Orford. At present the site is in its initial design phase and I am taking time to observe seasonal changes, gather resources and prepare to implement earthworks for 1 hectare of forestry to act as wind breaks through pasture areas. I am in the process of getting approvals for primary producer as well as forestry planning with the assistance of Tim Winton of Permaforest P/L and will be setting up about 8 hectares in total over the coming years. As well as forestry, some soil rejuvenation will commence this year with some deep ripping and sowing of some nitrogen fixing pasture crops.